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It's Not Always Her fault!!

For some reason, when it comes to getting pregnant society is automatically programmed to think it's a woman's issue. There are various factors that affect male fertility, such as, a genetic disorder, hormonal issues, the health of a man's sperm, abnormal sperm function and ejaculation problems. The temperature of the scrotum also causes male infertility. Found in 16 of 100 men are swollen veins of the scrotum that block proper blood drainage which in return harm sperm growth. Alcohol consumption, and smoking can also result in lower sperm count. Over a third of infertility issues are from the male. On the female side of things, infertility could be caused by unsuccessful implantation, poor quality egg, hormonal imbalance, hostile cervical mucus, antibodies, blocked fallopian tubes, fibroids, endometriosis, pcos and weak cervix.

You might be under pressure from your in-laws, other family members and friends to get pregnant. They may have already concluded in their minds that something is wrong with "her". They most likely made statements, such as, he shouldn't have married her because she can't give him a baby. Women carry all the weight. As women, it seems like we're always first to take the blame or responsibility. In most cases, women are the ones doing all the praying, all the laboring, all the fasting, all the toiling. We're the ones doing the research, google, changing our diets, attending doctors visits etc.

Wouldn't it be helpful for the people who are on the outside looking in to give couples space to do things in their own timing and relieve the woman of this expectation? Wouldn't it be nice if at every family function your fertility wasn't the topic of the day? Couples and others need to realize that both physical and spiritual matters need to be addressed when there is a fertility problem. On the spiritual side, there could be bloodline curses, evil covenants and contracts, or recurrent sins which have opened doors to the enemy which have allowed a spiritual husband or wife to harass the marriage. Each person has to be examined physically and spiritually if there have been years and years of trying to conceive.

For some married couples there's a situation where the husband opened up doors that gave demonic spirits an entryway to attack the fruit of the womb through committing sins of watching pornography, cheating, masturbation, and other perverse acts. It is possible that any of these acts by either party allowed them to become bound by a spiritual wife/spiritual husband which have been known to cause barrenness, miscarriage and marriage problems.

If you need a full explanation of spiritual husband/spiritual wife refer to google.

What if the wife has a history of being molested, rejected, self-hatred. There could be ungodly soul ties that she has with past sexual partners that were never properly broken. The person in this situation may need to consider that spiritually the fruit of the womb could be hindered because her soul is still tied to an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband.

With some couples trouble conceiving could be the result of high levels of witchcraft placed upon them by a witch or worker of darkness. Witch can perform evil operations by obtaining articles of clothing, hair, by putting something in food, or even through astro projection and more. Some people go through their whole life without confronting the spiritual aspects of things. In lala land. What a person chooses not to confront will be a remaining issue. Unclean spirits won't just leave a person. They must be cast out.

Also I've noticed that some people only touch on the surface of some of their issues. They often think that one deliverance prayer that they prayed for 5 to 10 minutes should resolve a lifetime of issues and problems. That's unrealistic. The more deeply rooted issues you have which have been occurring for years on end may require a deep thorough work including multiple deliverance sessions and renewing of the mind. Breaking strongholds, uprooting, binding, inner healing, removing bondages is not a light thing. Honestly, at times coming to a place of freedom can be exhausting but in the end it's worth it especially once you get the breakthrough you were seeking.

Another subject we have noticed is that many unmarried women come to us who say they've been trying to conceive with their boyfriend for years. First things first, our Lord and Savior said in the word flee from fornication which is having sex outside of marriage. We have no problem praying for healing over the unmarried but please know we will always say what God has already said in his word. Having sex without being married to that person is a sin. We want something from God and God wants something from us. Be ye Holy as I am Holy. We are asking him for things but yet were disobedient. To all those who are single understand that this is a ministry that will never turn you away but we will always uphold the word of God for godly correction, wisdom, and understanding. The truth is as a people we want things from God but we don't want anyone to tell us to change. We want to keep doing what we want that satisfies our flesh and still expect to get blessed.

It's time to make a decision. I am all in with you God or I am not in at all. For the women who carries the weight of the world on your shoulders, know that you are not alone. Allow yourself to live and don't blame yourself if you are indeed the one who has the fertility issue. Just know that God is gonna get the glory out of your life. It's okay to take a break. It is okay to cry. Take every prophetic word which you have received and war them into manifestation. That's what I have had to do in many cases and I can honestly say that many of the prophetic words that people have released over me especially concerning the fruit of the womb have come to past but there was a wait a long wait for the first child. Through this process, I learned valuable lessons and gained tools to help my sisters get to the promise and have their baby. This journey has required determination, godly counsel, a whole lot of deliverance and picking up my sword and fighting. There is always hope dear sister. We love you!!!


Join our sister ministry and get a free digital product titled "Over 100 Biblical Baby Names".

It's always good to pray. Add 30 Days of Prayers While Trying To Conceive to your daily devotion.

Enroll > Be Fruitful and Multiply Fertility Course<


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Andrea Scott

Pregnancy By Faith Ministry

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Margret Brown
Margret Brown
May 28, 2022

Contact Dr Ozigidon if you are have been trying to conceive, I never thought I’d be writing this message but after 5 years of infertility and nearly lost my marriage due to not being able to have a child after suffering from PCOS and were TUBES ARE TIED, Severe endometriosis and scanning, I was told that IVF was the only option. This was something we could not afford and had almost given up hope of becoming a parent. A friend of mine recommended Dr Ozigidon to me and persuaded me to contact him, I finally contacted him and he made a spiritual breakthrough to get me pregnant with his powerful spell, within 2 weeks I was pregnant (naturally!!…


Leonna Mcfallin
Leonna Mcfallin
Aug 06, 2021


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