Alternative fibroid treatment: Click Here A Program for Combating Endometriosis: Click Here

1 Key To Having Your Prayers Answered
Did you know that unaddressed unforgivingness could be the one component to having your prayers answered? Truth is that the person who...

Running Out of Patience While Trying to Conceive
Running Out of Patience While Trying To Conceive Many couples on the trying to conceive journey can admit that their level of patience...

6 Best Ways to Get Through The Two Week Wait
1# Don’t Test Until Missed Period Try your best not too test until at least the first day of your missed period. I know it can be hard...

4 Powerful Tips For Achieving Pregnancy
There are numerous things that a woman can do to increase her chances of conceiving. Some of these things you may already be...

Why Won't God Give Me A Baby!
If you have been discouraged and have felt like God has forsaken you in the area of having a baby I can tell you today that I have been...

Male Infertility Treatments & His Emotional Health
Men are often embarrassed to talk about it but the truth is that women are not the only ones who deal with infertility. In order to...

Eliminate Uterine Fibroids and Prevent Their Recurrence
A Uterine Fibroid is a non-cancerous tumor found often on the inside or outside of the uterus. It is the abnormal formation of cells or...

The Ministry of Healing Demonstrated through Peter Scott & Andrea Scott
Hi Andrea, I watched the video prayer for supernatural conception and amazingly I’m about 7 weeks pregnant now. God is good!!! Thank you...

Healing Infertility with Herbs and Natural Methods
Not everything is from the Devil. Sometimes we face illiness in our bodies due to poor eating habits and lack of nutrition. The bible...